With BluefairyTM Review you can dynamically replay the trajectories of people and equipment. BluefairyTM Review uses all the precision of Purelink's real-time location system to replay, like a video, the positions and displacements of people and equipment on maps.
Select a period of the past and persons that interest you and let BluefairyTM Review download part of the positional data in BluefairyTM Server database. It allows you to view, at an adjustable speed, the displacements of one or several people simultaneously on the floor map. BluefairyTM Server backs up all positions of all people and equipment in the system. Therefore, with BluefairyTM Review you can select any past period to show all paths and replay all displacements on maps of floors and virtual zones that were defined in BluefairyTM Fundamental.
In BluefairyTM Review, you can select a person or equipment and choose a color to represent the displacements. Several people or equipment can be selected in the same timeframe. This allows you to replay several trajectories of people and equipment at the same time, using the maps of the floors. This dense source of information is used to finely audit processes and events, see facts hidden behind events. It can reveal the true performance of logistics processes. It provides an excellent source of information to audit past events.
The history of events and location are used to automatically document incidents. It helps covering the legal risks, for example, in plants for emergency evacuation protocols, for anti-aggression systems in hospitals that protect healthcare personnel.
BluefairyTM Review and BluefairyTM Report are a comprehensive set of tools to build reports, analyze and diagnose events in your location-aware applications.
System requirements :